





In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, many colleges and universities have made adjustments to their admissions policies this year. One after another, they are adjusting the direction of school admissions policies to ensure the diversity of the freshmen group without using “race” as a reference factor.

Ed Blaguszewski, executive director of media relations at UMass, said the supplemental essay questions provide applicants with additional opportunities to more fully understand their backgrounds and experiences. While the court has said race/ethnicity cannot be a factor, it does The impact on the applicant can be considered.”

Universities that have not changed their supplementary essays for many years have made adjustments to this year’s applications , directly changing the essay questions. For example, directly citing the Supreme Court decision to broader questions about the applicant’s “cultural background” and “life experience”, or asking the applicant’s views on the “values” of diversity and inclusion. This allows us to understand students’ backgrounds from more dimensions and screen out applicants who are more in line with their school’s values. There are also schools that have adjusted their reading methods and proportions. For example, one university directly raised the use of AI in public and the emphasis on writing during review, in order to encourage students to write their own documents in a more personalized way.


图片来自:Photo illustration by Justin Morrison/Inside Higher Ed

AACRAO(美国大学注册官和招生官员协会,American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers)全球咨询主管 Orcutt 表示,今年招生季将比以往任何时候都更加重视文书写作。“我们与高中辅导员、社区大学辅导员以及大学和学院招生官员交谈时,他们都说他们将利用这个机会,来展示和评估申请人。这绝对是一种新方法,为学生及其家人提供了申请大学的新方向。”



  • 哥伦比亚大学



  • 埃默里大学

埃默里大学在社区方面进行了提问, 其实也是一种对于学生社区概念的了解:



  • 纽约大学



“我们已经习惯了人们告诉我们没有解决方案,然后创造我们自己的解决方案。所以我们做了我们最擅长的事情。我们彼此联系,与我们的盟友联系,跨足社区动员起来,创造变革,使每个人都能在社会中受益并被纳入其中。” Judith Heuman,2022年纽约大学毕业典礼演讲

“我鼓励你的不适,你必须作出贡献,你必须让自己的声音听到。这是良好公民的本质。” Sherilynn Ifill,2015年纽约大学毕业典礼演讲


“你有权利去追求事物,并期望事物发生改变。” 萨纳·马林,芬兰前总理,2023年纽约大学毕业典礼演讲



除了从文书上去探索学生的个性化和独特化,一些学校也出台了其他政策提高学校多样性,扶持弱势群体圆梦大学,其中相对比较有影响的就是去除legacy admission (校友子女招生优惠)。



拉斐特学院校长 Nicole Hurd 表示“期望高中生除了功课之外还要参加一长串的课外活动是很繁重的,特别是对于低收入或第一代学生来说,他们已经承担了课外责任,比如照顾生病的家庭成员或弟弟妹妹,或者工作一项或多项工作。”




Overall, this year’s U.S. undergraduate application will be a year of extraordinary challenges and opportunities.

Personalization of applications may not be a good thing for traditional “eugenics”, but for many non-traditional “eugenics”, this year’s policy is also an opportunity. As long as you carefully understand the changes in admissions policies, deeply understand the logic behind the admissions office’s policies and document adjustments, carefully analyze your own advantages and the school’s situation, and truly understand the school, you can find the point of convergence between yourself and the school, and you will have better opportunities to apply. of certainty. Traditional ” eugenics ” need to think more about how to break through the status of eugenics . Just like what a Yale admissions teacher said during a recent information session, “Of course we are looking for outstanding students, but we are even more looking for outstanding students with a sense of community!”

Here is some advice I received directly from the admissions office during a recent visit to the school and would like to share with our students:

    • Get to know the school carefully and find out where you fit in with the school. Don’t blindly pursue the number of applications, but focus on the quality of application materials.

    • Face your own growth and beliefs calmly, and show your thinking and personal positioning towards today’s society.

    • Focuses on describing oneself as a unique individual in a more personal way. Although AI technology is now advanced, admissions offices want to know about real students.

    • Ensure the authenticity and completeness of application materials.



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